27 December 2022

Cambridge English C1 Advanced (CAE) : comprehensive review

A comprehensive review of the Cambridge English C1 Advanced (formerly known as "CAE") examination. We review the examination and its components in detail, with Practice of & Feedback on each so that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, know preparation and success strategies and focus on what you need to do. Whether you are registering for the examination, or are considering it and want to know how to do well, this programme provides what you should know.

22 December 2022

December 2022

Click on the event title(s) below for more information. Leave your questions or comments below, or contact us for registration information. The events below are open group sessions from our Seminars, Advanced Use of English and Professional Conversation programmes; contact us to ask about scheduling open on demand or closed private programmes. 

This page is updated twice a week so please check back, or join the emailing list for event announcements.

06 December 2022

You have an advanced level of English; which certificate is best for you?

You want evidence of your level of English, but which certification is best? Certificates can be very expensive, and you do not want to "invest" unwisely or even to invest without a positive return.

02 December 2022

January 2023 - High School Methodology : Speaking

Chatting, conversation, even grunting, are normal and everyday for our students, however they likely require guidance in speaking or more intentional discourse. Although these sessions aimed at High School teachers, Upper Pirmary / Lower Secondary (G5 - 8) teachers will also find them useful. 

January 2023 - High School Methodology : Writing

We are born speaking and if not, the nurse will encourage us to start. However writing is a challenge and there is a reason why there is only one Shakespeare, one Steinbeck, one Orwell. Writing is unnatural and that gives us, teachers, something to get our teeth into. 

January 2023 - Methodology : Cambridge English for Schools Listening & Speaking

Cambridge English for Schools are EFL examinations and certificates aimed at teens, or Upper Primary / Lower Secondary (G5 - 8) and High School (G9 - 12) students. They are linked to the same CEFR levels as their main suite siblings, but with more age-appropriate prompts and tasks.

January 2023 - Methodology : Cambridge English for Schools Writing

Cambridge English for Schools are EFL examinations and certificates aimed at teens, or Upper Primary / Lower Secondary (G5 - 8) and High School (G9 - 12) students. They are linked to the same CEFR levels as their main suite siblings, but with more age-appropriate prompts and tasks.

01 December 2022

January 2023 - Job Search support

These sessions are as yet unscheduled. If you would like to request any as closed (private, one-to-one or small group), you may choose any time labelled as "Available for "on demand" sessions" from our January by date.* Alternatively, if you would like to be informed when a closed session is scheduled please let us know.

January 2023 - Literature

A selection of short texts suitable for both Intermediate / Advanced English students and teachers, and literature atudents and teachers, Texts or text-links are sent to participants the day prior to the session(s) to allow for pre-reading. These sessions provide introductory overviews to the texts rather than in-depth literary analyses or methodology programmes. 

January 2023 - Lower Primary (G1-4) Philosophy & Practice

Lower Primary (G1 - 4) is all about gaining, inculculating and developing the skills and attitudes needed for success in Middle School and beyond. 

28 November 2022

January 2023 - Early Years Philosophy & Practice

Early Years (aka Early Childhood or PK - K) teaching and learning is critical to Lower Primary success, and sets the student up for his/her entire academic career, so adopting and implementing appropriate philosophies and practices is essential. Each session in this selection of our most popular Early Years sessions include both ready-to-use strategies and a framework which can be applied to the rest of your Early Years programme. 

January 2023 - Active Learning for Early Years and Lower Primary

Active Learning is a student-centred approach to teaching and learning in which the student is actively engaged with the materials, topics, skills and outcomes. In many respects, active learning is the opposite of a traditional teacher-centred, top-down or "direct" approach. Sessions consider one aspect of Active Learning and how it might look in a classroom. 

24 November 2022

January 2023 - Advanced Reading Comprehension Practice & Feedback

This is a "Knowledge and Understanding" of the text programme, with the addition of Language acquisition and development. Texts or text-links on a range of topics are sent to participants before each session for prior review, and sessions explore the "explicit meaning" and any Language questions participants may have. The Guided Discussion format also allows for Advanced Speaking Practice.

23 November 2022

January 2023 - International Education

For teachers and educational leaders considering teaching in an international school or international programme, or in their first two years' teaching such a programme or in such a school.

22 November 2022

January 2023 - Head of Department and Leadership

A selection of practical sessions for current and prospective Heads of Department, Co-ordinators. Heads of Section and Academic Directors using real-world examples and applications. Sessions are not specific to any particular programme, and although sessions are delivered in English, the contents are not restricted to leading an English Department.

16 November 2022

Writing Methodologies for Cambridge's English for Schools examination series

Each stand-alone session reviews the respective genre, what Cambridge English is looking for, how to build a teacher-friendly and student-centred programme. For each level, the relevant introductory "implementing the descriptors" is strongly reommended. These sessions are for teachers new to Cambridge English for Schools, or in their first two years' preparing students for these certificates.

13 November 2022

Implementing and Using Cambridge English B2 First for Schools Writing Descriptors

This session reviews the descriptors used for assessing Cambridge's B2 First for Schools Writing tasks : what they are, where to find them and how to use them. They are an essential guide as to how and what will be assessed in the written components of the final examination. Use these international standards to set your own programme expectations, and to prepare your students for success.

Positive Education - series

Positive education draws on individual strengths and motivations to promote learning. Through the school and teachers cultivating a positive environment, a child with a positive attitude shows enthusiasm, curiosity and engagement and even when not interested in a particular topic or activity, participates and shows a willingness to try and to learn.

09 November 2022

November 2022

Click on the event title(s) below for more information. Leave your questions or comments below, or contact us for registration information. The events below are open group sessions from our Seminars, Advanced Use of English and Professional Conversation programmes; contact us to ask about scheduling open on demand or closed private programmes. 

This page is updated twice a week so please check back, or join the emailing list for event announcements.

06 November 2022

Student-led and student-centred reading checks


Student-led and student-centred learning means the teacher taking a back-seat, and the activities and thus learning and assessment* driving what happens in the classroom. Such an approach can also be used with reading. 

Assigning reading before a class (aka as "flipped learning") allows you more time in class for language development and the exploration of ideas. But how can you ask students to run before you have checked to se if they can crawl? Join us as we explore reading checks - how to know a student that has read a text before anything else occurs. 

23 October 2022

Advanced Use of English Practice & Feedback : inversions

One of the complexing things about English is that certain expressions or constructions require an inversion, such as "never have I ever" or "rarely will you see". Join us as we review Advanced inversions in this Practice & Feedback session.

Advanced Use of English Practice & Feedback : transformations

The primary feature of Advanced English means knowing different ways of saying the same thing, aka as "range". One effect of this is that when a word changes, so do other elements of the sentence which is what we explore in this exercise. 

19 October 2022

Plug-and-play reading comprehension : Opinions

More in our plug-and-play reading activities, these can be used for comprehension, for identifying opinion and bias, and as a prompt for speaking, debate or writing tasks.

18 October 2022

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : Leading a Department, getting started

Leading a Department, an introduction for new (in their first or second year of appointment) and prospective Heads of Department, Academic Directors and Heads of Section. Experienced middle managers will also find this programme of interest.

17 October 2022

Poetry "It Says Here" by Billy Bragg


One of our short poems which can be used with the G12 / 4ºM topic. "The media and the message in today’s globalised world". this can be viewed as a single literary work, source for language acquisition and development or a prompt for further exploration and discussion of the points raised.

Poetry "Headline History" by William Plomer


One of our short poems which can be used with the G12 / 4ºM topic. "The media and the message in today’s globalised world". this can be viewed as a single literary work, source for language acquisition and development or a prompt for further exploration and discussion of the points raised.

15 October 2022

Poetry "Gutter Press" by Paul Dehn

One of our short poems which can be used with the G12 / 4ºM topic. "The media and the message in today’s globalised world". this can be viewed as a single literary work, source for language acquisition and development or a prompt for further exploration and discussion of the points raised.

Poetry "Girl Reporter" by Philip Hobsbaum


An interesting, critical and perhaps somewhat bitter description of journalists and journalism. One of our short poems which can be used with the G12 / 4ºM topic. "The media and the message in today’s globalised world". this can be viewed as a single literary work, source for language acquisition and development or a prompt for further exploration and discussion of the points raised.

Poetry "Eating Noddemix" by Young Marble Giants


Show your students you really are the cool teacher you know you are with this work from the album Kurt Cobain called "one of the most influential records he had ever heard". One of our short poems which can be used with the G12 / 4ºM topic. "The media and the message in today’s globalised world". this can be viewed as a single literary work, source for language acquisition and development or a prompt for further exploration and discussion of the points raised.

14 October 2022

Poetry - five short poems for G12 / 4ºM English

We present five short poems which can be used with the G12 / 4ºM topic. "The media and the message in today’s globalised world". Each can be viewed as single literary works, sources for language acquisition and development or prompts for further exploration and discussion of the points raised.

11 October 2022

January 2023 - Issues in Educational Governance

Educational governance relates to big-picture, strategic and philosophical considerations when overseeing a school, a programme or teaching, learning and evaluation. It is the "why?" and "why not?", rather than the what, when and how.

January 2023 - Advanced Writing

Development and improvement as a writer comes from two things : practice and publication  feedback. However, attention to the mechanics can also be very helpful, and these sessions review some of the more commonly needed tools and genres.

January 2023 - Advanced Speaking Practice

Maintaining range and fluency while teaching beginners or younger learners is at best challenging, and many if not most teachers have been unable to manage either or both in today's reality. We all need adult conversation, and these session provide just that. Each session is a guided discussion so prior reading and consideration is helpful, and the sharing of personal views and experiences expected. 

January 2023 - Advanced Use of English Practice & Feedback

Each session explores advanced instances and implications of a specific difficulty for or challenge to Chilean advanced English users, and includes illustrative examples. Where time allows, there is also opportunity for a "problem clinic".

10 October 2022

January 2023 - Advanced Use of English Approaches to Learning, Study Skills

Each session explores advanced instances and implications of the topic, and includes illustrative examples and exercises to develop and explore the points made. Where time allows, there is also opportunity for a "problem clinic".

January 2023 - Advanced Use of English, how the language works


Each session explores advanced instances and implications of the topic, problem areas and common errors and traps, and includes illustrative examples and exercises to develop and explore the points made. Where time allows, there is also opportunity for a "problem clinic".

January 2023 - Differentiation

Differentiation means planning teaching to meet students' individual needs, whether in terms of content or approaches or activities, or even changing a learning environment. Students enter the classroom or a lesson at different stages in their learning journeys and teachers must adapt in order to achieve their and their students' learning goals.

Poetry "The Sentry" by Wilfred Owen

One of the most important exemplars of first World War "war poetry", this influential poem should be included in every High School English Language and Literature programme, including EFL. The work has also appeared in the Cambridge Literature syllabus, and is appropriate for MYP, IB Dip English A Lang&Lit and AP.

Poetry "The Eagle" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

This influential poem should be included in every High School English Language and Literature programme, including EFL. The work has also appeared in the Cambridge Literature syllabus, and so is appropriate for MYP, IB Dip English A Lang&Lit and AP.

06 October 2022

Writing methodology : Publishing and Feedback

Key to an effective Writing Programme is "Publishing and Feedback", yet for teachers considerations of the how, what, where and when of publishing can be daunting. Join us as we review Publishing, Feedback (and the relationship to evaluation) and Considerations, and twelve publication possibilities. The material covered does not apply only to student work and will be of interest to writers. 

28 September 2022

October 2022

Click on the event title(s) below for more information. Leave your questions or comments below, or contact us for registration information. The events below are open group sessions from our Seminars, Advanced Use of English and Professional Conversation programmes; contact us to ask about scheduling open on demand or closed private programmes. 

This page is updated twice a week so please check back, or join the emailing list for event announcements.

14 September 2022

Advanced Use of English Grammar : 'Ats off to at

Not everyone can say they love prepositions, and one particular thorn for many is the when, how and why of "at". In this session we review familiar uses and traps, patterns and whyfors for (in? on? by? from?) using "at".

06 September 2022

Advanced Use of English Practice and Feedback : Spelling Traps


As well as those words which First Language speakers find difficult to spell, Second and Foreign Language learners of English have additional challenges, for example arising from L1 interference or from English's apparently bizarre spelling patterns and rules. Join us as we explore some of the worst offenders, and some possible approaches to avoiding futur speling misshapps.

05 September 2022

A quick-and-easy lesson structure for using news reports


Chile's recent constitutional plebiscite prompts the question of how to use news reports on current events in an English class. The answer is that it's easy : task, not text. This session reviews a simple, teacher-friendly and highly-effective lesson structure which provides a language-rich, reading-comprehension and authentic discussion plan.

01 September 2022

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : Informal data collection and use

Data is the key to effective decision-making, and to designing and implementing effective and appropriate educational programmes. Data collection does not need to be demanding and time-consuming; other types of data and other approaches exist. Informal data can be as useful and as reliable as its more straitlaced sibling; this session considers forms of informal data, and how to collect it. 

31 August 2022

Cambridge English C1 Advanced (CAE) : examination preparation February 2023


Open group programme, preparation for the Cambridge English C1 Advanced (formerly known as "CAE") Examination. We cover knowing and understanding the examination and its components, Practice of & Feedback on each component, and success and preparation strategies. Whether you are registering for the examination, or are considering it and want to know how to succeed, this programme provides what you need to know.

For February 2024, please click here.

January 2023 Professional Development and Personal Growth - by area

Welcome to our third programme of summer professional development and support for teachers, educational leaders and administrators. And while all around us is going up in price, being teachers ourselves and knowing those realities. we have not increased our fees.

January 2023 Professional Development and Personal Growth - by date


Welcome to our third programme of summer professional development and support for teachers, educational leaders and administrators. And while all around us is going up in price, being teachers ourselves and knowing those realities, we have not increased our fees.

C1 Advanced (CAE) Essays review and feedback

A two-hour / double-session review of the Cambridge English C1 Advanced (formerly known as CAE) examination's Writing Paper Part One : Compulsory Essay. The first hour reviews the Paper, its expectations and task types, question analysis, strategies (and a formula!) for success, markscheme and preparation approaches. After a 10-minute break, the second reviews sample essays against the markscheme, analysing strengths and weaknesses in the candidate responses.