Showing posts with label Philosophy of Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy of Education. Show all posts

20 March 2024

Assessment for Learning is the future; Evaluation of Learning is the past

When a teacher looks at student work, s/he can look at it through the lens of the future and in terms of Teaching & Learning, or through the lens of the past and as Measurement & Reporting. However, s/he must be clear in purpose and not mix the two, even though the same task or activity could be used with both. Join us in this Philosophy and Practice (methodology) discussion as we weigh these two very different functions of education.

07 October 2023

Developing and Implementing a Successful Music Programme

Research is clear. Students benefit from a core or compulsory music curriculum,ideally from PK going through at least to the end of Prirmay or Elementary school. Join as we review what went into two highly-successul comprehensive curricular music programmes, with co-curricular and cross-curricular accompaniments.

13 November 2022

Positive Education - series

Positive education draws on individual strengths and motivations to promote learning. Through the school and teachers cultivating a positive environment, a child with a positive attitude shows enthusiasm, curiosity and engagement and even when not interested in a particular topic or activity, participates and shows a willingness to try and to learn.

25 January 2022

Assessment or Evaluation - same difference?

The terms "assessment" and "evaluation" are often used interchangeably and may be viewed as synoynms. Techniques, tasks and activities may be the same. The wider community generally sees no difference. However, significant differences exist in the purpose(s) of any such instrument and so having distinct terms is valuable. This session reviews "assessment" and "evaluation" as representing two essential yet refquently misunderstood and misapplied concepts.

02 March 2021

Formative Assessment


Differentiating between Assessment and Evaluation is critical to effective teaching; the former is often called formative and is a teaching approach, the latter summative and it is used for measurement and reporting. This series of related sessions explores the Philosophy & Practice of assessment for learning.

24 February 2021

Positive Education


Professional, philosophical and methodological seminars related to Positive Education.

30 December 2020

Is for-profit education bad?

If education is a human right, or even just a social necessity, should it be provided by the state, by charities or social providers, or should private providers be permitted? And if private operators are permitted, should they also be permitted to make a profit? And if they make a profit, is that bad and does that have a negative effect on the education they provide?

Performance-related (merit) pay and teachers

Merit-pay. Payment for Performance, Payment by Results / Outcomes / KPIs - different names for largely the same thing. We often hear that "schools should be run more like a business" (true in many respects, but not in the way proponents expect) and that teachers should be paid for performance. FInd out why this latter assertion can not work and never has.

Teacher pay, pay scales and fairness

25 December 2020

Teacher appearance; does it matter?

Schools often have expectations for how teaches dress, how they do their hair, make-up or tattoos. Some may be logical such as protective eyewear in a science lab, or sports shoes in a gym. However some techers may feel athat sometimes these policies are not acceptable. Are any restrictions on how teachers present themselves reasonable, and if so where should such a line be drawn, how should they be enforced and by whom?

09 November 2020

What should a school do?


Education is inherently, and unavoidably, political. Every decision made at every level is based on "what is right" or "what is best" and while some are not truly momentous, others are gut-wrenchingly complex and affect real people's real lives.

07 November 2020

Teaching boys; they're not the same

Equality is not as easy (or as achievable) as it seems or as its proponents would have us believe, and is even more problematic in the educational sphere. For example, what is "equality", does it apply to inputs or to outputs, does it mean compensation for a deficiency? A particular problem for schools and teachers relates to boys and girls : how should they be treated?