Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts

26 January 2025

Promote English in your school with Mar10 Day

Who doesn't love Mario? Who hasn't played Donkey Kong? Who doesn't instantly recognise the Mario music? 

What a great way to engage your students, celebrate their achievements and promote English in your school. Join us as we look at how you can make Mar10 Day, the tenth of March, a day to remember.

Promote English in your school with Pie Day

Yum, yum. Pi. Or is it pie? Well, they sound the same, so let's use one or the other to enjoy thus homophonic day and celebrate English.

28 October 2024

Promote English in your school with Armistice Day

At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month
The guns fell silent.

Every year on the eleventh of November, people all over the world gather to remember the end of the Great War in the hope that it will not be repeated. Lest we forget. Join us as we explore this significant date in human history.

22 October 2024

Promote English in your school with Guy Fawkes Day (aka "Bonfire Night")

Remember remember
The fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot

Every year on the fifth of November, people all over the world gather to remember democracy, the monarchy, the British system of government and protest with bonfires, fireworks and the burning of effigies. Join us as we explore this curiosity of Britishness.

29 September 2024

Promote English in your school with World Decimal / World Metric Day

The tenth of October, or "10 /10", provides you with a great opportunity for language acquisition and development, to have a bit of fun and to promote English at the same time. Join us as we run through 10 (what else?) topic areas associated with ten from decimals to 10-codes to idiomatic expressions, for all levels G1 - 12 and all levels beginners to advanced, you can use to raise the profile of English in your community.

07 September 2024

Writing methodology - Advanced Editing & Proofreading Practice & Feedback

If you enjoyed our introductory / middle school / B1 - B2 session on editing and profreading, you'll love this Advanced session. This easily replicable model is ready-to-use, plug-and-play, student-centred and at the same time, a great personal challenge for teachers.

01 June 2024

30+ Typical and Traditional Games for your English Week or English Day

Lookng for ideas for typical or traditonal games for your English Day, or your English Stand at the Parent Association's Kermesse? Don't worry. We can help with our 30+ Typical and/or Traditional Games of chance or0 skill, or just games of fun, none of which require buying or building equipment. Many of these games can be used for fund-raising.

20 April 2024

Celebrate Star Wars Day

For Star Wars fans, "May the Forth be With You" has a special significance. and so the obvious date to celebrate all things Star Wars is the fourth of May. Take advantage of the students' interest in things far, far away to promote and to celebrate the joys of English.

09 April 2024

Celebrate World English Day

Have you considered celebrating World English Day, 23 April each year? Quite apart from English Week and an English Club, World English Day allows you to "honour the importance of the English language and its role as a universal means of communication". Join us in this overview or introductory session as we explore what, when, why and things you can do to observe the day which marks our raison d'être.

07 April 2024

Planning and Running an English Club or Workshop

English teachers are often tasked with running an afterschool English Club or High School "English Workshop" with little or no guidance, while even those with experience look for support and new ideas. These sessions provide a road-map to a successful English Club (or Workshop) and ideas you can incorporate into yours.

10 October 2023

100 Ideas for English Week


So you've volunteered (or you've been volunteered) for this year's English Day, English Week or English Festival, and you're bereft of ideas. Don't worry. We can help with our 100 Ideas for English Week.

26 July 2023

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : developing and implementing a departmental handbook

Effective organisations, such as schools, and organisational units, such as departments, are effective because they have published, available and clear policies and procedures. In short, they have handbooks which define expectations, common language and approaches, historical decisions and precedents, and provide guidance for future actions and decisions.

18 October 2022

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : Leading a Department, getting started

Leading a Department, an introduction for new (in their first or second year of appointment) and prospective Heads of Department, Academic Directors and Heads of Section. Experienced middle managers will also find this programme of interest.

01 September 2022

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : Informal data collection and use

Data is the key to effective decision-making, and to designing and implementing effective and appropriate educational programmes. Data collection does not need to be demanding and time-consuming; other types of data and other approaches exist. Informal data can be as useful and as reliable as its more straitlaced sibling; this session considers forms of informal data, and how to collect it. 

15 January 2022

Planning and Running a Successful Field Trip

The key to a successful Field Trip is simple : Planning and Preparation. This session considers how to make your Field Trip a success, how to avoid the usual problems, how to create an educationally sound event and how to do so following a teacher-friendly approach. 

01 December 2021

The English of Accreditation and Accreditation Coaching

Several universities in Chile have international and US accreditation through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), however many of the academics and administrators involved with both accreditation and re-accreditation are unfamiliar with the English of accreditation and with the MSCHE process. This Advanced English series reviews MSCHE publications, using them as prompts for advanced language development.*

English for School Administrators

Schools can be run, led, administered and governed and the differences are not always clear. In small schools, one person may perform all these functions, while in large schools and school corporations, several people may be responsible for all or even for each. While these functions are interesting to review, the English involved is both general and specialised. These Advanced English sessions develop and extend the English of, for and about school administration. 

25 September 2021

Planning and Running English Week

English teachers are often tasked with running "English Day" or "English Week" with little or no guidance, while even those with experience look for support and new ideas. These sessions provide a road-map to a successful English Week (or Day) and ideas you can incorporate into yours.

22 May 2021

Leadership : effective recruitment practices


Middle leaders such as Heads of Department are often involved in or responsible for teacher search and selection, and/or have an opportunity to shape the school's recruitment processes. This seminar looks at some important principles, practices which work, where hiring can and does go wrong and how to avoid "negligent hiring".