10 October 2022

January 2023 - Differentiation

Differentiation means planning teaching to meet students' individual needs, whether in terms of content or approaches or activities, or even changing a learning environment. Students enter the classroom or a lesson at different stages in their learning journeys and teachers must adapt in order to achieve their and their students' learning goals.

Monday 9 January 2023
10.00 - 11.00am : What is differentiation?
Differentiating instruction comes in many shapes and sizes: student performance level, student interest, student learning style, and so much more. Should teachers plan ahead for such and/or should they adjust instruction during the lesson, as needed? How can teachers differentiate instruction so that the workload is not immense? These questions will be answered in this session and you'll leave feeling much more secure about your approach to and mindset about differentiating instruction. 

Wednesday 11 January 2023
10.00 - 11.00am : Differentiation, classroom routines and thinking routines
Classroom, group, individual, and thinking routines are essential for differentiating instruction. This session will explore numerous routines to help you pause in your lessons so that you can look and listen for students who may not be engaged and can adjust instruction, if necessary.

Friday 13 January 2023
10.00 - 11.00am : Front-loading for differentiation
Planning-time is essential for differentiating instruction. This session will explore various aspects of the planning and preparation process so that your lessons will run smoothly and you will be ready to adjust instruction, if need be. 

Monday 16 January 2023
10.00 - 11.00am : Differentiation, choice and voice
Choice and voice are essential in any differentiated lesson plan. In this session, learn how to offer choice and voice to students in a number of ways from content to process to product, and see how much more engaged your students will be and how much more effective you will be in the classroom. 

Wednesday 18 January 2023
10.00 - 11.00am : Differentiation, what is station-rotation and how to implement it?
Station rotation seems to have taken off since the pandemic. In this session, learn what station rotation is; how to create it in your online, offline, anda/or blended learning environment; and how to modify it to fit your and your students' needs.

Presenter : Sally Thompson, Head of English, Santiago College

Single-topic, stand-alone sessions. Join any or all - ask about the multi-session discount for taking all five (or combining these with any of our other January 2023 sessions).

    Image by Couleur from Pixabay

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