13 November 2022

Positive Education - series

Positive education draws on individual strengths and motivations to promote learning. Through the school and teachers cultivating a positive environment, a child with a positive attitude shows enthusiasm, curiosity and engagement and even when not interested in a particular topic or activity, participates and shows a willingness to try and to learn.

Our Positive Education Philosophy and Practice seminar series comprises the following sessions which may be taken as stand-alone, or togther in an integrated programme.

  • Positive Education, an introduction
  • Positive Assessment*
  • Positive Discipline
  • Positive Teaching
  • Positive Education and Laddering 

*Ask about how assessment differs from evaluation

    Complete the "Contact Us" form on the right to request fee and registration information.

    • A C1 or higher level of English is assumed.

    • This is a one-hour synchronous online video conferencing session; an in-person, face-to-face option is also available.

    • Open session group sizes are limited to allow for participation and questions.
    • Click on the label(s) to the right for related programmes. Ask us about programmes and support related to Positive Education and programme philosophies and practice.
    • Complete the "Contact Us" form on the right

      • to be placed on the interest list for this topic and to receive advance notice of the next open group session.
      • to ask about a private one-to-one or small group closed session on this topic, or on any other English teaching and certification concerns you have.
      • if you would like to receive our once or twice a week event announcements. We will not spam you and you can leave the email-list at any time. 
      • with any queries about any of our programmes.
    Click here for our General Terms.


    Foto de Tim Mossholder en Unsplash

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