22 November 2020

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : leading a department, an overview


The Chilean reality is that Subject Area Leaders are almost never trained or prepared, and are often appointed (or "volunteered") due to seniority alone. 

We can help. Join us in this quick run-through of what is involved in Running or Co-ordinating a Department, and the things new Middle Leaders have to look forward to. For current and prospective Heads of Department, Co-ordinators, Heads of Section and Academic Directors.
During this one-hour interactive seminar (which is also the first sesion in our eight-hour "Leading a Department, getting started" programme) we cover :
  • Leading Up and Leading Down
  • External and Internal 
  • Representation
  • Buildings, FF&E, Resources
  • Programme
  • Staffing
  • Students 
  • Administration
  • Related activities
  • Wider roles
Related programmes :
These topics came from specific requests from school leaders. Ask us about coaching and critical friend* support, and other professional development related to leadership.

* Are you facing challenges or have questions you cannot raise with your senior management. cannot discuss with your colleagues or peers and cannot reveal to those at other (competitor) schools? You need a Critical Friend - someone who has held a Head of Department or Senior Management position, someone who has the knowledge, skills and experience to guide and advise you, and someone who is not involved with or connected to your school and can offer a disinterested perspective.

  • These are one-hour interactive online seminars or seminar series; in-person, face-to-face options are also available. A C1 or higher level of English is assumed.

  • Click on the label(s) to the right for related programmes.
  • Complete the "Contact Us" form on the right

    • to be placed on the interest list for this topic and to receive advance notice of the next open-group session. Open-session group-sizes are limited to allow for participation and questions.
    • to ask about a private one-to-one or small group closed session on this topic, or on any other Leadership concerns you have.
    • to ask about fees, multi-session discounts, discounts for teachers and institutional fees.
    • if you would like to receive our once or twice a week event announcements. We will not spam you and you can leave the email-list at any time.
    • with any queries about any of our programmes.

Click here for our General Terms.



  1. Hi There. I'd like to know how to join the seminar on Thursday, December 17th. Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Hector, I apologise for not replying earlier, the site did not tell me I had comments however I have now turned on that feature. Please send me your email address and I will let you know of the next "open" seminar; if you can form a group of friends or colleagues, you can request a "closed session on a date and at a time which suits you.

