07 November 2020

Standards-based teaching and learning

Standards-based education gives teachers and students clear goals, and if the standards are well-designed, a structured programme. However standards are not methodologies; when  incorporating standards into their practice, teachers must also make their lessons engaging while aiming at student success. This one-hour overview considers standards, objectives and competencies and reviews some sample teaching and learning standards as examples of how to do so.

Ask us about programme and methodology coaching and short courses related to standards-based education.

This is one of our Philosophy and Practice seminars - please click here for more information on our seminars programme. 

  • A C1 or higher level of English is assumed.
  • One-hour synchronous online video conferencing session; an in-person or face-to-face option is also available.
  • Contact us to be placed on the interest list for this topic and to receive advance notice of the next open group session.
  • Contact us to ask about a private one-to-one or small group closed session on this topic, or on any other queries you have.
  • Open session group sizes are limited to allow for participation and questions.
  • Click on the label(s) to the right for related programmes.
  • Add your email address to receive our once or twice a week event announcements. We will not spam you and you can leave the email-list at any time.
  • Click here for our General Terms.
  • Contact us with any queries about any of our programmes.


  1. Good afternoon! i would like to know prices, dates about this course.

    best regards-
    María Andrea Cuevas.
    English Coordinator

    1. Hi Mary, I apologise for not replying earlier, the site did not tell me I had comments however I have now turned on that feature. This flier is for a one-hour seminar giving a brief overview of the topic, and the fee depends on whether you are joining an "open" seminar (fee per person) or requesting a "closed" session (fee per hour not per participant). The course fee would depend on the length, structure, contents etc, I'll send you an email.
