Showing posts with label Language (written). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language (written). Show all posts

04 September 2024

Writing methodology - student editing

One of the most effective tools in teaching writing, or in developing as a writer, is being able to proofread and to edit your own production. This plug-and-play lesson reviews two short texts and a simple student-centred teacher-friendly editing task.

26 November 2023

Teaching Reading and Reading in the Early Years

Recently, Teaching Reading and Reading in the Early Years (aka "Very Young Learners") have been widely discussed in both the general and educational media, and several popular approaches have been discredited and debunked. Join us as we review an effective and proven Philosophy and set of Practices to help you get your students reading which does not require intensive investment.

02 October 2023

Plug-and-Play Reading Comprehension / Literature lesson : Essay "My Periodic Table" by Oliver Sacks

Our four-part series on this moving reflective essay for students, teachers and those interested in literature, and with a passing knowledge of Chemistry. This deeply-poignant. personal and humorous text by one of our most significant contemporary authors was written on the eve of his death; you may know him from The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat.

25 September 2023

Reading Round the Room Does Not Work; why and what does

Reading aloud may or may not be an important skill for students to develop. However, once the decision that it is has been taken, we are faced with the question of methodology. Research is clear : reading round the room (aka "round robin" or "popcorn") does not work, while group reading (choral or echo) is seriously flawed.

12 September 2023

An Introduction to Teaching Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is both the entry point for Creative Writing and Fiction, and the best and least challenging vehicle for developing writing and language skills. Join as we review this introductory quick-and-easy teacher-friendly approach to teaching Narrative Writing which can be used at all ages and all levels.

06 September 2023

How are your English as a Second Language Skills?

Chile's National Curriculum is an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) programme, yet many teachers and students are functionally at an English as a Second Language (E2L or ESL) level and so an E2L programme would likely be more appropriate. How about you? What are your E2L skills like?

13 August 2023

Cambridge E2L (aka "ESL") Reading Comprehension


From our series of Cambridge English as a Second Language (E2L or ESL) Practice and Feedback programmes for teachers and students, this session reviews three reading comprehension exercises.  Suitable for E2L students in a bilingual programme, and Advanced EFL students.

04 August 2023

Cambridge E2L (aka "ESL") Note-taking


From our series of Cambridge English as a Second Language (E2L or ESL) Practice and Feedback programmes for teachers and students, this session reviews three note-taking exercises.  Suitable for E2L students in a bilingual programme, and Advanced EFL students.

18 July 2023

Cambridge E2L (aka "ESL") Summaries

From our series of Cambridge English as a Second Language (E2L or ESL) Practice and Feedback programmes for teachers and students, this session covers the characteristics of and then writing and reviewing summaries. 

20 June 2023

Glaciers - four reading and discussion activities for Middle School (G5 - 8) and High School (G9 - 12)


Glaciers will come up in class, perhaps in connection with geography or tourism or climate change or recent events in the news. Take advantage of this interest or topicality to prompt reading, discussion and writing activities.

22 May 2023

Writing methodology : Reports

Report writing has been identified as the most important skill for engineers, and a highly important skill in many other fields. Reports are also linked to writing summaries, a regular exercise in Language assessments, including EFL, E2L and E1L. This one-hour single-topic session begins with what may be a new activity for many, providing excellent practice for learners and an excellent model which can be duplicated for teachers. 

30 March 2023

B2 Reading Short Texts - ready-to-use lessons

This session comes from our Reading Philosophy & Practice series for use with B2-level students, at High School and above, based on the view that wide-ranging, short texts read frequently are key to developing curiosity, reading and thus language prowess. 

25 March 2023

Plug-and-play reading - Cinderella


Cinderella is useful both as a language or reading text and as an example of fairy-tales. Join us as we review this single or double plug-and-play lesson outline, touching on both story-telling and early literary analysis.

06 November 2022

Student-led and student-centred reading checks


Student-led and student-centred learning means the teacher taking a back-seat, and the activities and thus learning and assessment* driving what happens in the classroom. Such an approach can also be used with reading. 

Assigning reading before a class (aka as "flipped learning") allows you more time in class for language development and the exploration of ideas. But how can you ask students to run before you have checked to se if they can crawl? Join us as we explore reading checks - how to know a student that has read a text before anything else occurs. 

19 October 2022

Plug-and-play reading comprehension : Opinions

More in our plug-and-play reading activities, these can be used for comprehension, for identifying opinion and bias, and as a prompt for speaking, debate or writing tasks.

06 October 2022

Writing methodology : Publishing and Feedback

Key to an effective Writing Programme is "Publishing and Feedback", yet for teachers considerations of the how, what, where and when of publishing can be daunting. Join us as we review Publishing, Feedback (and the relationship to evaluation) and Considerations, and twelve publication possibilities. The material covered does not apply only to student work and will be of interest to writers. 

05 September 2022

A quick-and-easy lesson structure for using news reports


Chile's recent constitutional plebiscite prompts the question of how to use news reports on current events in an English class. The answer is that it's easy : task, not text. This session reviews a simple, teacher-friendly and highly-effective lesson structure which provides a language-rich, reading-comprehension and authentic discussion plan.

05 March 2022

Effective Classroom Reading Groups; lessons from research

Small groups offer one of the most effective classroom approaches, and some recent research shows what works and what can be counter-productive when it comes to reading development and practice. 

This session reviews the findings from five international studies into best practice at the Lower Primary level (G1 - 4), and provide useful insights for Upper Primary / Lower Secondary (G5 - 8). Although conducted into English Teaching & Learning practice, they are also applicable to programmes in other languages.

13 February 2022

Effective Reading Checks


Class-time is so limited that doing some things beforehand can exponentially improve lesson effectiveness. Two related activities are receptive practice and pre-reading; if a student has already read a text, class work can take advantage of this.

When assigning pre-reading, how can a teacher be assured that it has actually been done? This session reviews eight quick-and-easy, plug-and-play, teacher-friendly reading checks, each of which incorporate Reading Comprehension, Use of English and Speaking. Participants will receive a ready-to-use Lower Primary / Middle School lesson!

17 January 2022

Plug-and-play Reading Comprehension : Volcanoes

Not only are volcanoes in the news, but they are a frequent topic in G4 and they provide an excellent base for a Science / Social Studies / Art / Music and of course Language unit. This plug-and-play Reading and Vocabulary lesson is based on an authentic G4 text and can be used as-is, or as a model for similar lessons on other topics in EFL and E2L / bilingual programmes.