25 November 2020

Top 5 Paths to Success as English Teachers, Heads of Department, Academic Directors and Schools in Chile

Successfully running an English programme and/or an English department is not an administrative function : "box-tickers need not apply"! The role encompasses people, programmes, policies, procedures, planning, professional development, appraisal, evaluation, materials, promotion ... inter alia! This one-hour session reviews five key elements in running a successful department, essential to any subject area leader.

24 November 2020

Are private schools wealthy?


It's easy to look at a private school, the theatre, the gym, the pool, the labs, the lawns, and think that it is wealthy. But is it? What does it mean for a school to be well-off, is it and should it be? This Advanced Speaking Practice / Professional Conversation session considers some of the issues raised by this discussion.

22 November 2020

Leadership Philosophy & Practice : leading a department, an overview


The Chilean reality is that Subject Area Leaders are almost never trained or prapered, and are often appointed (or "volunteered") due to seniority alone. 

We can help. Join us in this quick run-through of what is involved in Running or Co-ordinating a Department, and the things new Middle Leaders have to look forward to. For current and prospective Heads of Department, Co-ordinators, Heads of Section and Academic Directors.

20 November 2020

Teaching Literature : Planning a Novel Unit


If you have not taught a Literature or a Lang & Lit novel unit before, or if you want to know how to incorporate a novel unit into your programme, this one-hour overview will get you started on the right path.

10 November 2020

Project-based Learning, an overview


Ask us about programme and methodology coaching and short courses related to Project-based Learning (PBL).

This is one of our seminars - please click here for more information on our seminars programme. A C1 or higher level of English is assumed.

Ask us about a closed session where you choose who, what, when or to be placed on the interest list for the next open session.

  • Click on the label(s) below or to the right for related programmes. 
  • Add your email address in the box on the right to receive new post announcements. 
  • Contact us with any queries or concerns about any of our programmes.
  • 09 November 2020

    What is International Education?


    Many schools in Chile describe themselves as "international", but are they? Others say they offer "international programmes" or "international examinations" but do they? Do these terms mean something, or are they merely marketing mumbo-jumbo? Is an "international school" really an "international" school?

    What should a school do?


    Education is inherently, and unavoidably, political. Every decision made at every level is based on "what is right" or "what is best" and while some are not truly momentous, others are gut-wrenchingly complex and affect real people's real lives.

    07 November 2020

    Teaching boys; they're not the same

    Equality is not as easy (or as achievable) as it seems or as its proponents would have us believe, and is even more problematic in the educational sphere. For example, what is "equality", does it apply to inputs or to outputs, does it mean compensation for a deficiency? A particular problem for schools and teachers relates to boys and girls : how should they be treated?

    A standards-based (competency-based) lesson plan

    Effective teaching requires knowing your destination before starting your journey, and by extension knowing how to identify when you have arrived and how far along the route you are at any given time. In other words, effective teaching requires objectives; when expressed in an observable and measurable form, these are standards.