10 October 2021

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Methodology : Speaking

Student speaking often needs direction and guidance and of course speaking in one language can be quite different from speaking in another. While spontaneous, authentic speaking is of course among the teacher's goals, formal prepared speaking is also important. This session reviews a quck-and-easy, reliable, teacher-friendly method for assessing an oral presentation.

Methodology : Speaking

Thursday 27 January 3.00 - 4.00pm : Teavhing and Assessing Individual Oral Presentations

Sessions from the following areas can also be used as models to adopt and adapt, especially for Middle and High School E2L / E1L programmes, and High School and adult advanced EFL programmes. Some can even be "plug-and-play". Click on the area title(s) below for more information.

Each session $5000, including the teacher self-pay discount with additional multi-session discounts also available. Ask about institutional rates. Contact us for registration information.

  • Online via Meet.
  • A C1 or higher level of English is assumed.
  • Group size minima and maxima apply.
  • Click here to see our January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth programme by area.
  • Click here to see our January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth programme by date.
  • Click here for our General Terms, for example concerning payment and missing a session.
  • Contact us for registration information.

  • And finally

  • This is an open enrolment group programme. Ask us about a closed programme where you choose who, what, where and when.
  • Ask us about other Speaking Methodology support.
  • Add your email address to receive our once or twice a week event announcements. We will not spam you and you can leave the email-list at any time. 
  • Contact us with any queries or concerns about any of our programmes.
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