10 February 2021

My favourite MS dictionary


This must be the best general and quick-access dictionary for G5 - 8 students and/or B1/B2, and for EFL students across all subject disciplines. These Longman dictionaries are based research on the most common and most important words for learners at these levels, and in its day the Longman corpus was revolutionary and groundbreaking.

LASD is a slimmed down version of its bigger sibling, LDOCE, and for a quick, easy and reliable dictionary which works in most situations MS and learners up to a B1/B2 level, LASD is the best.

When I was a teacher, I had a set in my MS classroom, well, one dictionary between two students, and later as Head of Department, I arranged for a set in each MS English room. Of course, we taught dictionary skills in Middle School so this dictionary was used for both reference and as a teaching tool. 

Note that LASD is a small-ish dictionary meaning some words may not be included and so each room also had a copy of LDOCE. 

You can find copies of LASD at the Book Depository through this link.

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