24 April 2024

May 2024

Click on the event title(s) below for more information. Leave your questions or comments below, or contact us for registration information. The events below are open group sessions from our Seminars, Advanced Use of English and Professional Conversation programmes; contact us to ask about scheduling open on-demand or closed private programmes. 

20 April 2024

Celebrate Star Wars Day

For Star Wars fans, "May the Forth be With You" has a special significance. and so the obvious date to celebrate all things Star Wars is the fourth of May. Take advantage of the students' interest in things far, far away to promote and to celebrate the joys of English.

09 April 2024

Celebrate World English Day

Have you considered celebrating World English Day, 23 April each year? Quite apart from English Week and an English Club, World English Day allows you to "honour the importance of the English language and its role as a universal means of communication". Join us in this overview or introductory session as we explore what, when, why and things you can do to observe the day which marks our raison d'être.

07 April 2024

Planning and Running an English Club or Workshop

English teachers are often tasked with running an afterschool English Club or High School "English Workshop" with little or no guidance, while even those with experience look for support and new ideas. These sessions provide a road-map to a successful English Club (or Workshop) and ideas you can incorporate into yours.

04 April 2024

Creating a student-centred teacher-friendly lesson using an online video

Students today are increasingly more visual and image-oriented than even those of yesterday, let alone of yester-year. Video-based lessons are appealing to students and advantageous to teachers, and with a little time, thought and attention can provide significant learning and language-practice opportunities.  

30 March 2024

Philosophy & Practice : the English of Upper Primary / Lower Secondary / Middle School mathematics

It's probably a few years since you did Upper Primary / Lower Secondary / Middle School (second cycle) mathematics, but the experience for your students will be more recent. Take advantage of this enthusiasm and make your maths colleagues your friends by reviewing the English of Middle School Mathematics.

29 March 2024

April 2024

Click on the event title(s) below for more information. Leave your questions or comments below, or contact us for registration information. The events below are open group sessions from our Seminars, Advanced Use of English and Professional Conversation programmes; contact us to ask about scheduling open on-demand or closed private programmes. 

21 March 2024

Single-topic and single-skill C1 Advanced (CAE) preparation support

You may be preparing for Cambridge English C1 Advanced (CAE) on your own and have identified gaps in your knowledge or competencies, or you may have taken a course and have uncertainties about some aspects of the examination. Perhaps you have already taken C1 Advanced and did not reach the level you seek.

20 March 2024

Assessment for Learning is the future; Evaluation of Learning is the past

When a teacher looks at student work, s/he can look at it through the lens of the future and in terms of Teaching & Learning, or through the lens of the past and as Measurement & Reporting. However, s/he must be clear in purpose and not mix the two, even though the same task or activity could be used with both. Join us in this Philosophy and Practice (methodology) discussion as we weigh these two very different functions of education.

22 February 2024

March 2024

Click on the event title(s) below for more information. Leave your questions or comments below, or contact us for registration information. The events below are open group sessions from our Seminars, Advanced Use of English and Professional Conversation programmes; contact us to ask about scheduling open on-demand or closed private programmes.