14 September 2024

Writing methodology - news reports

Using a worked example, join us as we review a quick-and-easy structure and approach for producing a news report (as distinct from an "article").

07 September 2024

Writing methodology - Advanced Editing & Proofreading Practice & Feedback

If you enjoyed our introductory / middle school / B1 - B2 session on editing and profreading, you'll love this Advanced session. This easily replicable model is ready-to-use, plug-and-play, student-centred and at the same time, a great personal challenge for teachers.

04 September 2024

Writing methodology - student editing

One of the most effective tools in teaching writing, or in developing as a writer, is for writers to be able to proofread and to edit their own production. This plug-and-play lesson reviews two short texts and a simple student-centred teacher-friendly editing task.