12 October 2021

Plug-and-play reading comprehension : a new cancer treatment

"New treatment destroys head and neck cancer tumours in trial"- a plug-and-play lesson involving Reading Comprehension, Use of English, vocabulary acquisition and development, speaking and listening and writing. For use with High School, college and adult learners at B2 and above levels in an EFL programme, or for Middle School and above in an E2L or bilingual programme. Based on a 60-minute lesson.

10 October 2021

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Methodology : Visual Language

The third pair of modes (after oral and written language) is visual language, and with the same productive and receptive aspects. One of the significant differences between EFL and E2L / E1L is that the latter increasingly include the acquisition, development, analysis and response of visual language. 

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Methodology : Speaking

Student speaking often needs direction and guidance and of course speaking in one language can be quite different from speaking in another. While spontaneous, authentic speaking is of course among the teacher's goals, formal prepared speaking is also important. This session reviews a quck-and-easy, reliable, teacher-friendly method for assessing an oral presentation.

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Literature : Essays

A selection of essays suitable for Advanced English users, students and teachers, and for literature teachers, teachers of Cambridge and IB literature or lang & lit programmes. Texts or text-links are sent to participants the day prior to the session(s) to allow for pre-reading. These sessions provide introductory overviews to the essays rather than in-depth literary analyses or methodology programmes.

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Methodology : Writing

Writing is hard. Very hard. There is a very good reason why we have one Shakespeare, one Orwell, one Cortazar and one Neruda. The most important time in developing a writer is during his/her Primary years; these sessions explore how to develop and implement an effective writing programme with successful plug-and-play teacher-friendly approaches.

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Literature : Short Stories

A selection of short stories suitable for literature teachers, teachers of Cambridge and IB literature or lang & lit programmes, or advanced EFL high school and adult students. Sessions consider works chosen from Cambridge's IGCSE English Literature text lists*, many have also previously featured on IB prescribed book lists, and so are among the works studied worldwide by students at that level.

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Early Years Philosophy & Practice

Early Years (aka Early Childhood or PK - K) teaching and learning is critical to Lower Primary success, and sets the student up for his/her entire academic career, so adopting and implementing appropriate philosophies and practices is essential. Each session in this selection of our most popular Early Years sessions include both ready-to-use strategies and a framework which can be applied to the rest of your Early Years programme. 

Although the sessions and examples are in English, the approaches are suitable for programmes in other languages. Lower Primary and/or Infant teachers will also find these sessions useful. 

09 October 2021

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Head of Department and Leadership

A selection of practical sessions for current and prospective Heads of Department, Co-ordinators. Heads of Section and Academic Directors using real-world examples and applications. Sessions are not specific to any particular programme, or to leading an English Department

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - Advanced Speaking Practice

Maintaining range and fluency while teaching beginners or younger learners is at best challenging, and many if not most teachers have been unable to manage either or both in today's reality. We all need adult conversation, and these session provide just that. Each session is a guided discussion so prior reading and consideration is helpful, and the sharing of personal views and experiences expected. 

January 2022 Professional Development and Personal Growth - CAE Preparation : Reading and Use of English Practice

These sessions review tasks from recent Cambridge English "C1 Advanced" examinations. (We use "CAE", the examination's former name, because it is the more widely-known term in Chile.) They are not General English or Language acquisition and development sessions, but Exam Preparation : Practice; while we review possible responses, we do not explore the language behind correct and incorrect responses.