Modular Trinity Certificate

The Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ("Trinity Cert") offered by the Wimbledon School of English is now available in three modalities. (Well, two really since the face-to-face programme is currently suspended due to lockdown and border closures.)

  • Face-to-face
  • Regular online
  • Modular online
This page will be updated as information is received so please ask us for the latest news.
  • Module I - Teaching Skills I - the basics
    • The role of the teacher
    • Good and bad teaching practice
    • Setting up tasks & giving instructions, ICQs
    • Lesson planning; CCQs
    • Tradition boards, Interactive Whiteboards, online slide
    • How to organise boardwork
    • Coursebook and materials overview
    • Classroom and online tools for teaching and learning
    • Autonomous learning & Self-Access
    • Centres
  • Module II - Teaching Skills II - in class
    • Selecting & teaching lexis
    • Presentation and practice : Teaching grammatical structures
    • Teaching the skills: reading / writing / speaking / listening
    • Introduction to Task-based learning & Projects
    • Functions and how to teach them
    • Correction and Feedback
    • Teaching mixed ability classes
    • Motivating learners : fun activities
    • Testing and measuring progress
  • Module III - Teaching Skills III - further skills
    • Teaching 1:1 lessons
    • English for Specific Purposes, in particular : Business English & Academic English
    • Overview of exams; Teaching exam classes
    • Teaching teenagers and young learners
    • Online hybrid teaching
    • Asynchronous learning
    • Special Educational needs (SEN)
    • Careers & Professional Development
  • Module IV - Language Awareness
    • Lexis: Word classes
    • Grammar: tense and aspect
    • Grammar: subjects, objects, noun phrases, verb phrases, etc
    • Grammar: Language analysis: the passive
    • Lexis: word formation, lexical relationships
    • Discourse analysis
    • Language variation: register, etc
    • Interlingual interference
    • Trinity Unit 2 Language Awareness Test
  • Module V - Phonology
    • Consonants, monophthongs; place & manner of articulation; phonemic symbols
    • Diphthongs; place & manner of articulation; phonemic symbols; regional variations
    • Relationship between sound and spelling
    • How to integrate pronunciation into lessons
    • Word stress; Features of connected speech: sentence stress & intonation
    • Features of connected speech: ellipsis, assimilation, etc
    • Transcribing connected speech
    • Contrastive analysis; Areas of interlingual interference
    • Review and Trinity Unit 2 Phonology Test
  • Module VI - Guided Observation
  • Module VII - Teaching Practice
  • Module VIII - Unknown Foreign Language Lessons
  • Module IX - Materials
  • Module X - Learner Profile

Modules I - V may be taken separately; Modules VI - X must be taken together. All ten modules must be taken to qualify for the Trinity Cert.

Modules I - V consist of 20 x 50-minute sessions, and are tutor-led with reading and preparation for each class. Students will be required to have the set text (to be annnounced) which is likely to be the same for all three modules.

Modules VI - X require self-study, asynchronous sessions, tasks and written assignments. Any required texts will be announced. Credit transfer of Modules I - V and the Trinity Cert enrolment procedure are to be announced. 

Dates and times for each module will be announced; Saturday sessions, 9.00am - 2.00pm (Chile time) are likely. If you can get a group of friends or colleagues together for a closed session, you may be able to choose dates and times. 

Enrolment pre-requisites will be announced. Trinity Cert requires High School graduation and at least a C1 level of English and it is likely that the modules will too. Entry to Trinity Cert requires an interview; it is likely that modular enrolment will not, however transfer to Modules VI - X and thus Trinity Cert will.

Fees are to be announced; please note that the modular programme offers flexibility and the opportunity to "pay as you go" but is likely to cost more overall than the Regular online option with its single upfront payment.
For more information, or to receive updates as they are released, please contact us.

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