Advanced Use of English : how the language works

We offer three Advanced Use of English programmes.

  • Advanced Use of English seminars which review advanced instances and implications of the topic, problem areas, common errors and traps, with illustrative exercises and time for a "problem clinic".
  • Advanced Use of English Practice and Feedback are single-topic sessions which provide focussed practice. Participants are sent Advanced exercises related to the topic to complete beforehand, and then during the session, we provide the appropriate responses and review the exercises.
  • Advanced Use of English coaching which are tailormade sessions on 
    • Advanced Use of English vocabulary, grammar and usages
    • Advanced Reading Comprehension
    • Advanced Speaking
    • Advanced Writing
      • Dissertation and Essay coaching and support

Examples of Advanced Use of English seminar topics :

  • Apostrophes
  • Colons and Semi-Colons
  • Commas and Full-stops
  • Condensing Language
  • Connectors
  • Descriptions
  • Editing and Tidy Writing
  • Essays
  • Formal Letters
  • Groups, Classes, Collectives
  • Inverted Commas, Quotation Marks
  • Opposites, Antonyms, Oxymorons
  • Paragraphs
  • Sayings, Aphorisms, Epigrams
  • Speech - direct, indirect, reported
  • Similar words, Synonyms, Euphemisms
  • Taboo Language
  • Summarising
  • Summing
Click here for recent Advanced Use of English Practice and Feedback topics.

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