25 November 2021

Evaluating writing through portfolios


Over the course of a year or a programme or a cycle, students amass a significant quantity of written work, some of which shows progress and development, some achievement. These are of course not the same, and a focus on the latter harms the former. Portfolio assessment means the student selects pieces from his/her annual, programme or cycle corpus against defined criteria and the selection as a whole is then assessed, being both representative as will as summative.

This one-hour session reviews Portfolio Assessment for English and explores two models once succesfully used as an international High School Language and Literature evaluation. The model can also be adapted and adopted for Language-only, Literature-only, Middle School or High School programmes.

This is a Philosophy and Practice seminar please click here for more information on our seminars programme.

  • A C1 or higher level of English is assumed.
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